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Winter on the farm can be a picturesque scene, with snow-covered fields and cozy barns dotting the landscape. While some farm animals are well-suited to cold weather, others require protection in shelter, like a garage in Cody, from the harsh winter elements.

Providing indoor shelter for certain animals during the winter is essential for many animals’ health and well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the farm animals that require indoor shelter during the winter. We’ll also cover some of the considerations involved in keeping them safe and comfortable.



Horses are magnificent creatures. They are widely known for their adaptability to various climates. However, they are susceptible to cold temperatures, especially when exposed to harsh winds and wet conditions. Here’s why horses need a post frame building or a garage in Cody during the winter:

Temperature Regulation: Horses have a challenging time maintaining their core body temperature in extremely cold weather. An indoor shelter, such as a barn or a run-in shed, provides a warmer environment that helps prevent hypothermia.

Protection from Elements: Horses need protection from rain, snow, and wind. An enclosed space, like a garage in Cody, keeps them dry and shields them from the chilling effects of winter weather.

Access to Food and Water: Indoor shelter also ensures that horses have easy access to food and water, which can freeze in outdoor troughs during the winter months.



Cattle are generally more cold-resistant than horses, but they still require shelter, such as a steel building in Cody, when winter weather turns extreme. Here’s why indoor shelter is essential for cattle in winter:

Preventing Hypothermia: Like horses, cattle can suffer from hypothermia in severe cold. Providing a sheltered space allows them to conserve body heat and stay warm.

Protecting Newborn Calves: If you have pregnant cows or calves born in winter, a sheltered area offers a safer environment for the young calves, reducing the risk of frostbite or illness.

Ensuring Adequate Nutrition: Sheltered feeding areas are crucial to ensuring that cattle can access their food without it freezing. Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining their health during the winter.

Garage in Cody



Sheep are known for their woolly coats, which provide insulation against the cold. However, they still require shelter, such as a garage in Cody, in harsh winter conditions. Here’s why:

Wool Doesn’t Always Suffice: While wool provides some protection, it may not be sufficient in extreme cold. Shelter helps keep sheep dry and warm.

Protection from Wind Chill: Sheep are vulnerable to wind chill, which can lower their body temperature rapidly. Sheltered areas shield them from the biting cold winds.

Lambing Season: If you breed sheep, sheltered space is essential during lambing season. It protects newborn lambs from harsh weather, ensuring their survival.

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Goats are hardy animals, but they, too, benefit from indoor shelters, like a steel building in Cody, during the winter months. Here’s why:

Temperature Regulation: Goats have a lower tolerance for cold temperatures than some other farm animals. Shelter helps them maintain their body heat.

Protecting Against Moisture: Goats are prone to skin and hoof issues in wet conditions. Shelter keeps them dry and reduces the risk of health problems.

Safeguarding Young Goats: Shelter is crucial when you have kids (baby goats). It helps keep them warm and healthy during their vulnerable early days.



Chickens are surprisingly resilient to cold weather, but they still require a garage in Cody, or another safe shelter, during winter. Here’s several reasons why:

Frostbite Prevention: Chicken combs and wattles are susceptible to frostbite. Providing a coop with good insulation and ventilation can help prevent this issue.

Egg Production: If you want your hens to continue laying eggs through the winter, they need a warm, protected space. A coop, or even a garage in Cody may do the trick. Remember, proper lighting and temperature control can encourage egg production.

Roosting Comfort: Chickens roost at night, and they need a secure, warm place to do so. A well-insulated coop with roosting bars provides the ideal sleeping environment.

Garage in Cody



Pigs are sturdy animals, but they still need a shelter like a steel building in Cody during the winter for these reasons:

Cold Tolerance: Pigs are more cold-tolerant than some other livestock, but extremely low temperatures can be stressful. Shelter provides a more comfortable environment.

Dry Bedding: Pigs require dry bedding to stay warm. Indoor shelters, such as a garage in Cody, allow you to provide bedding that won’t become wet or frozen.

Protecting Piglets: If you have piglets, they need a warm, safe space to grow. Indoor shelter reduces the risk of piglet hypothermia.



Rabbits are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. An indoor shelter, like a garage in Cody, is crucial for their well-being during the winter:

Temperature Sensitivity: Rabbits are prone to temperature-related stress. Indoor enclosures protect them from extreme cold and drafts.

Water Availability: In freezing weather, water bottles or bowls can freeze outdoors. Indoor shelters, like a garage in Cody, ensure that rabbits have access to unfrozen water.

Protecting Against Predators: Winter may drive hungry predators to seek easy prey, making indoor shelter essential for the safety of your rabbits.

Considerations When Providing Indoor Shelter

Now that we’ve discussed the animals that require indoor shelter during the winter, let’s explore some important considerations for keeping them safe and comfortable:

Proper Ventilation: While insulation is essential, ensure that your shelter or garage in Cody has proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. This is critical to help prevent respiratory issues.

Adequate Space: Provide enough space for all your animals to move comfortably, lie down, and access food and water without overcrowding.

Lighting: Consider adding artificial lighting in animal shelters, such as steel buildings in Cody, to provide a consistent day-night cycle, which can be essential for some livestock, like chickens.

Bedding Material: Use suitable bedding material, such as straw or hay, to keep animals warm, dry, and comfortable.

Maintenance: Regularly clean and maintain the shelter to prevent the buildup of waste, which can lead to health problems.

Access to Food and Water: Ensure animals can access food and unfrozen water at all times. Consider heated waterers to prevent freezing.

Health Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your animals for signs of cold stress, illness, or injury. Promptly address any issues that arise.

Providing indoor shelter for farm animals during the winter is a fundamental aspect of responsible animal care. A steel building, garage in Cody, or any other shelter can ensure comfort, health, and overall well-being during the harsh cold months.

Understanding the specific needs of your livestock and implementing appropriate shelter and care measures will not only protect your animals but also contribute to the success and sustainability of your farm. By taking these considerations to heart, you can create a safe and nurturing environment for your animals throughout the winter season.

Garage in Cody


MQS Barn – We Build Custom Pole Barns in Cody

MQS Barn is a family-owned and operated company specializing in post-frame, steel-sided structures, and custom post-frame buildings. We have you covered if you need a new structure, like a custom horse barn or a pole building shop in Cody. When you are ready to start, we can work with you to ensure you get the building you need.

Are you looking for Amish barn builders in Cody? The co-founder and co-owner of MQS Barn, Mark Stoltzfus, began his building career with his Amish Mennonite family and applies the same work ethic and expert craftsmanship on every project we do. We can build the perfect structure to fit your every need.

Call us today at 406-642-9600, or contact us online to receive a free quote on your next project. We look forward to hearing from you soon!