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So, you have decided to build a new building on your property.  Congratulations!  MQS Barns knows that this is a significant step for you, so we would love to guide you on your path to making your building perfect.  As one of the top builders for metal and steel buildings in Montana, we realize how important every decision is, including choosing the perfect color for your building.  

Here are a few simple tips on how to make your building stand out with the perfect color. 

  • Think Big 
  • Know Your Surroundings 
  • Consider Other Factors 

Think Big 

There is nothing wrong with going with a traditional color like one of the many metal or steel buildings in Montana, but what if you want to stand out a bit?  If most of the buildings around you are red and white, do you want to do something completely different?  There ireally no right or wrong answer; it all depends on what you are comfortable with.  After all, it is your building, so give it the personality that best fits you!   

There is always the option to blend multiple colors throughout a pole building in Montana.  Maybe a lighter color for the roof and a darker color for the walls.  Or you could reverse the two.  Adding different layers of color to your building will likely draw more attention. 

Know Your Surroundings 

If the building will be near your home, you may want to consider choosing colors where the home and building will complement each other.  Many people will keep the same color tones on both structures as they prefer a uniform feel to their property.  However, if you want one to stand out over the other, then by all means, Go Bold!   

If you are in a heavily wooded area, consider what colors you think would look best on your pole building in Montana, especially knowing there will be trees in the background.  If you are in a more open space, think about what fits best with a beautiful sunrise or sunset.   

Consider Other Factors 

There are other areas where you can choose to add color, such as the trim and gutters.  Keeping it all the same color is not a bad option either.  Customizing the doors and windows to your color of choice can always add a little extra personality to your building.  There’s lots of color options for farm buildings in Montana.


Contact MQS Barns Today! 

As one of the top manufacturers for steel and metal buildings in Montana, we can assist you with any questions you have regarding the customization of your new building.  Please give us a call today and we’ll be glad to assist you!