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Building a custom garage in Montana is an exciting endeavor that requires careful consideration of various factors. It starts with the stucture’s design and functionality. After that, there’s the important step of choosing the right materials. The harsh weather conditions in Montana make it crucial to select materials that can withstand these challenges.

In this blog post, brought to you by MQS Barn, we’ll explore the types of materials you should avoid when building a custom garage in Montana. From poor insulation choices to materials prone to corrosion, understanding what to steer clear of is essential for constructing a durable and resilient garage in the Treasure State.

Avoid Inadequate Insulation Materials for Your Garage in Montana

Avoiding Poor Insulation:

Montana experiences cold winters with temperatures often dropping below freezing. Inadequate insulation can result in a garage that becomes excessively cold, making it uncomfortable and potentially leading to issues like frozen pipes. Avoid materials with poor insulation properties, as they can compromise the overall functionality and energy efficiency of your custom garage in Montana.

Recommended Insulation Materials:

Opt for high-quality insulation materials such as foam board, fiberglass batts, or spray foam insulation. These materials provide effective thermal resistance, helping to regulate temperatures inside your garage in Montana and prevent heat loss during the winter months.

Corrosion-Prone Metals

Avoiding Corrosion Issues:

Montana’s varying weather conditions, including snow and ice, can contribute to moisture exposure. Using corrosion-prone metals, especially in exterior components, can lead to rust and deterioration over time. This not only affects the aesthetics of Montana garages but also compromises its structural integrity.

Recommended Corrosion-Resistant Metals:

Our MQS Barn team recommends that you opt for corrosion-resistant metals such as galvanized steel or aluminum for exterior components. These materials are better equipped to withstand the elements and provide long-lasting durability, reducing maintenance requirements.

Garage in Montana

Low-Quality Roofing Materials

Avoiding Subpar Roofing Materials:

The roof is a critical component of any garage in Montana, providing protection against weather elements, including snow accumulation. Low-quality roofing materials may not withstand heavy snow loads, leading to potential leaks, structural issues, and compromised safety.

Recommended Roofing Materials:

MQS Barn’s professionals recommend investing in durable and weather-resistant roofing materials such as metal roofing or asphalt shingles. These materials are known for their strength and ability to shed snow efficiently, preventing excessive accumulation that could strain the structure.

Non-Weather-Resistant Wood

Avoiding Non-Weather-Resistant Wood:

Wood is a popular choice for garage construction, but using non-weather-resistant wood can result in decay, rot, and warping. Montana’s weather conditions demand materials that can withstand moisture, temperature variations, and the potential for snow and ice accumulation.

Recommended Weather-Resistant Wood:

If using wood, opt for weather-resistant varieties such as cedar or redwood. Additionally, consider treating the wood with protective coatings to enhance its resistance to moisture, insects, and decay.

Single-Pane Windows

Avoiding Inefficient Windows:

Windows play a crucial role in garage design, providing natural light and ventilation. However, single-pane windows are inefficient in terms of insulation and can contribute to heat loss during the winter, making it challenging to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your garage in Montana.

Recommended Energy-Efficient Windows:

Choose double-pane or triple-pane windows with low-emissivity (Low-E) glass for improved insulation. These windows offer better thermal performance, helping to regulate temperatures and reduce energy consumption.

Thin and Weak Exterior Doors for Montana Garages


Avoiding Weak Exterior Doors:

The garage door is a significant point of vulnerability if it is thin and lacks durability. Thin doors may not provide adequate insulation or security, and they may be more prone to damage from impacts or weather-related stress.

Recommended Sturdy Exterior Doors:

Invest in a sturdy and well-insulated garage door, preferably made of thick steel or reinforced materials. A durable door not only enhances security but also contributes to better insulation and longevity for a garage in Montana.

Garage in Montana

Non-Weatherproof Sealants and Caulks

Avoiding Ineffective Sealants:

Proper sealing is crucial for preventing drafts, water infiltration, and heat loss in Montana garages. Using non-weatherproof sealants and caulks can result in leaks and decreased energy efficiency.

Recommended Weatherproof Sealants:

Choose high-quality, weatherproof sealants and caulks designed to withstand temperature variations and exposure to moisture. Ensure that all gaps, seams, and joints are properly sealed to enhance the weather resistance of your garage in Montana.

Substandard Flooring Materials

Avoiding Subpar Flooring:

The garage floor is subjected to heavy use, including vehicle traffic and potential exposure to moisture from melting snow. Substandard flooring materials may wear out quickly, become slippery, or fail to withstand the demands of a busy garage in Montana.

Recommended Durable Flooring:

Consider durable flooring options such as epoxy coatings, interlocking floor tiles, or concrete sealants. These materials resist wear, are easy to clean, and provide a safe and stable surface for various garage activities.

Untreated Lumber and Plywood

Avoiding Untreated Wood:

Using untreated lumber or plywood in areas exposed to moisture can lead to rot, mold growth, and structural issues. Montana’s climate, with its potential for snow and rain, requires materials that can resist water damage.

Recommended Treated Wood Products:

Choose pressure-treated lumber or plywood for areas that may be exposed to moisture. These treated materials are infused with preservatives to resist decay, ensuring the longevity and structural integrity of your custom garage in Montana.

Building a custom garage in Montana requires careful consideration of materials to ensure durability, weather resistance, and long-term performance. Avoiding inadequate materials is crucial for creating a garage that can withstand the state’s challenging weather conditions.

By opting for weather-resistant materials, you can construct a custom garage that meets your functional needs. Your garage will also stand strong when faced with the rigors of Montana’s climate. At MQS Barn, we understand the importance of material selection in garage construction, and our team is ready to assist you in creating a durable and weather-resistant custom garage in Montana.

Contact us to explore more options when it comes to Montana garages. We’ll give you professional suggestions so that you get the garage that best suits your needs and the demands of the Treasure State.

Garage in Montana

MQS Barn – Your Source for the Best Metal Buildings in Montana

MQS Barn is a family-owned and operated company specializing in post-frame, steel-sided structures, and custom post-frame buildings. We have you covered if you need a new structure, like a custom horse barn or a garage hobby shop in Montana. When you are ready to start, we can work with you to ensure you get the building you need.

Are you looking for Amish barn builders in Montana? The co-founder and co-owner of MQS Barn, Mark Stoltzfus, began his building career with his Amish Mennonite family and applies the same work ethic and expert craftsmanship on every project we do.

Call us today at 406-642-9600, or contact us online to receive a free quote on your next project. We look forward to hearing from you soon!