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Many farm animals have the ability to withstand cold temperatures if they are exposed to it on a limited basis. However, when temperatures dip to well below freezing, then animal owners need to take action.

As one of the top builders of Montana steel buildings and barns, our team at MQS, Inc. has some helpful tips on how to keep your animals safe this winter. Before making any drastic changes, it is very important to consider your structure’s location and the specific needs of each animal that lives inside.

Know the Average Outside Temperatures During the Winter

If you have animals living in Montana on your farm or ranch, they will need a place to seek shelter during the winter. Even animals that adapt well to cold weather may still need to find places to stay warm when temperatures dip below freezing.

As one of the leaders in Montana agricultural buildings, MQS, Inc. is quite familiar with the climate in our area. Many Montana communities experience average high temperatures in the winter in the upper 30s, with lows consistently in the 20s and below. Freezing temperatures like these can be extremely harmful to animals, especially with constant exposure to the elements.

Some Animals are Fragile, Especially During Frigid Temperatures

Many larger, furry farm animals can manage just fine during the cold weather. However, there are many other animals that are much more vulnerable to winter weather.

Just like with humans, many farm animals need constant attention when they are infants or when they are becoming very old and fragile. At very young and old ages, animals will need constant attention and care, especially during the winter. It is critical to keep agricultural buildings in Montana at an adequate temperature so that your animals can live comfortably.

The Best Ways to Keep Your Montana Agricultural Buildings Warm

Most people would say the easiest way to keep Montana steel buildings warm is by installing heaters inside. However, it is critical that you make sure the heaters are not a potential fire hazard. Some heaters can be hazardous if they are accidentally knocked on their side or kicked over by an animal. Check out the specifics of different models of heaters to ensure that they are safe for your barn.

Also, insulation is a key component of keeping Montana farm buildings warm. Things like hay, bedding, and horse blankets are great ways to ensure that your animals are comfortable during bitter cold temperatures. It’s also important to make sure that doors and windows are always closed when they are not in use. When left open, cold air can immediately spread throughout the interior of steel buildings in Montana.

Contact MQS, Inc., Your Trusted Source for Montana Agricultural Buildings

If you are thinking about adding a new post frame building to your property, contact one of our experts at MQS, Inc. We will work with you to build the perfect structure to fit your every need.

To get started, give us a call or go online to receive a free quote on your project.